Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 35 of Jim's Recovery

Not much happened today. Yesterday, Mom took Dad to his primary physician. She called the doctor who was scheduled to see Dad after his discharge but the guy is a Nero Surgeon (of course he doesn't have time) and wasn't scheduled to see Dad until December 30th. I couldn't believe that Dad didn't have daily check-up care scheduled after his discharge from the rehab facility. I guess if you can't pay then your on your own. Love the system!

Anyways, Dad's been taking blood pressure medicine and we were told by a good friend that the medicine could be making him dizzy. So Mom took Dad in yesterday and they took him off the meds. Mom needs to watch Dad's blood pressure very carefully in case it goes up again.

Dad had been complaining about, well basically, restless leg syndrome! I guess that is his problem when we are in places like my cousins funeral and why Dad seemed so uncomfortable. He said that during the funeral he felt like he needed to kick his legs so bad it was painful. Plus, he complains about how his legs are weird. I don't know if you remember but when Dad was in his "sleepy" coma he would kick and flail his legs. I don't know what the doctor is doing to treat this or even if he can. This could be something Dad just has to work through as his brain heals.

Also, Dad is still having trouble with his right foot being painful. The doctor asked for the x-rays from the hospital. It almost seems as though he has pinched a serious nerve in his back. I went to rub his foot and barely had touched the bottom of his toes when he flinched away and said that it hurt. It was as if stretching the toe pulled something that caused him pain. So for now we have Dad's foot wrapped and he is on crutches. I guess that is better then a walker, I know Dad thinks so!

Dad is going to see a speech therapist this week who will help us do exercises at home. This is the most frustrating part because Dad gets so mad when we try to do exercises to get his speech back. He thinks the games are dumb or thinks he is too dumb to do them.

That's it for now. Will let you know how the therapy goes.


  1. i am sure this is all a very humbling experience for him... not just his feet hurt, but sounds like his pride is a little bruised too, poor guy. Take it easy, Jamie. You guys are strong, and you've already proven that. Thanks again for sharing Jim's progress, even if it is only baby steps. :)

  2. Thanks Emma, it's people like you that keep me writing. You have been a wonderful support ever since the beginning.
